BriannaI Couldn’t Face My Former StudentsIt brought too many emotions up to the surface.Nov 25, 20248Nov 25, 20248
BriannaMy Four-Year-Old Student Ran Out of the School Building AloneI picked the safety of one student over another.Nov 14, 20248Nov 14, 20248
InNew Writers WelcomebyBriannaReturning to Teaching Made Me Wonder If I Still Love What I DoMaybe this is not the right path for me.Aug 11, 20228Aug 11, 20228
BriannaI Worked in Five Different Daycare Centers in the Last Few MonthsHere is what I have learned from the different experiences.Jul 23, 20225Jul 23, 20225
BriannaMy Disappointing Last Week at My Daycare Before I Start My New JobUnfortunately, COVID-19 got in the way.May 27, 20225May 27, 20225
BriannaBattling Teacher’s Guilt (Quitting My Job and Leaving My Students Behind)I had to do what was best for me though.May 24, 20223May 24, 20223
InModern WomenbyBriannaI Accepted a Job Offer and Gave My Daycare My Two Weeks NoticeI cried tears of happiness and sadness as I decided to officially leave the job I loved.May 23, 20226May 23, 20226
BriannaI Finally Found a Teacher Best FriendI made a deeper connection with one of my coworkers at my job and it feels good.May 20, 20222May 20, 20222
InModern WomenbyBriannaMy Co-Teacher is Back After Months Away and Our Dynamic is DifferentI am not the nervous and unsure new teacher I used to be.May 17, 20223May 17, 20223
BriannaTeacher Appreciation Week Was Underwhelming This YearAs if teachers have not been through enough lately.May 13, 20227May 13, 20227
InModern WomenbyBriannaMy Former Director Said That She Will Never Return to ChildcareShe is much happier now that she moved on to a different career.May 11, 20223May 11, 20223
BriannaMy Administration Started an Attendance Program For Us TeachersWe are adults, but our administrators are treating us like we are children.May 3, 20225May 3, 20225
InModern WomenbyBriannaI Lost Control in My Classroom Yesterday.As stressful as teaching is, I have never felt this helpless and discouraged before.Apr 29, 202212Apr 29, 202212
BriannaTeaching is Making Me Sick (Literally!)As a teacher, I am always sick, and I am sick of it.Apr 20, 20226Apr 20, 20226
BriannaAre School Districts Doing Enough to Retain Teachers or Hire New Ones?It does not seem like school districts care to fix the teacher shortage.Apr 19, 20221Apr 19, 20221